Dream Clinic.

Colombus, Ohio

Curiouser KC and Dream Clinic are kindred spirits. Functioning as artist-run spaces dedicated to showing local and national emerging artists, the two galleries find common ground in not only their goals, but also their mundane tasks. From paying the electric bill to shipping artists’ work,   the organization needed to maintain an artist-run space can become overwhelming. Sharing the burden is key to sharing the rewards. Familiar From Afar features work from the artists of Dream Clinic in the first iteration of a gallery swap – work by Curiouser KC will be featured at Dream Clinic in 2023. 

Familiar from Afar features the work of five artists and members of Dream Clinic Project Space: Morgan Rose Free, Miranda Holmes, Cory Mahoney, Hannah Parrett and Britny Wainwright. Dream Clinic is a DIY gallery and studio space in Columbus, Ohio that came into fruition during the dark days of the pandemic. In its second year of programming, the artist-run space has featured over thirty-five artists in thirteen in-person exhibitions and forty-nine artists in a hybrid online/in-person Tiny Pedestal Project. Dream Clinic supports its immediate arts community as well as supporting regional, national and international artists. Members have worked in the shared studio space that houses the gallery at some point over the last two years and they continue to organize exhibitions and events together.

Morgan Rose Free’s mixed media works oscillate between confronting and attempting to escape from her own climate anxiety. Miranda Holmes’ paintings preserve the residue of their past iterations alongside more developed areas to mark changes in people over time. Cory Mahoney utilizes ceramics to generate relationships between the abundance and decline that exists simultaneously in our late-capitalist society. Hannah Parrett’s practice uses material contingent projects within painting to explore how myth shapes personal world building in relation to identity and place. Britny Wainwright engages with issues of gender and material culture through ceramics and fiber sculpture.


Jonathan Virginia Green


Kirsten Taylor