Erin Tyler:

Erin Tyler is a process-based, multimedia artist based in Springfield, Missouri. She received a BFA and BSED from Missouri State University with degrees in Painting and Art Education. She has taught at the Springfield Art Museum and Missouri Fine Arts Academy. Erin’s work has been featured locally at Brick City, Obelisk Gallery, and the Springfield Regional Arts Council. She has been a contributor to numerous community events such as the Pop-Up Art Show at Q Enoteca, Idea X Factory’s Open Studios, Center-City Creative Variety Show: What’s Happenin, Untitled SGF, and Likewise Magazine (KC).


“My studio practice depends on an ebb and flow between free experimentation and studious repetition. One day’s work might result in a dozen collages or sketches, the next day could be occupied by applying a single coat of paint to a large canvas. “Studio Practice” is a series of paintings based on a collage I made in 2019. This collage was a simple exploration in composition through reorganization.

Organization in the form of a grid is a conceptual theme that has informed my work for the past three years. As an artist who was introduced to drawing through grid-based representational work, I trust the guidance that this structure offers. I find harmony in grids and other rigid visual structures, much in the same way that my life and studio practice feel focused when there are routines and rules in place.
The color relationships between the three pieces were inspired by Josef Albers’ writings on the relativity of color in Interaction of Colors. Our perception of color is not objective, it is affected by context. Color connects these pieces and offers an optical illusion. Each painting shares a color with the one beside it. The lightest color in the center piece is the darkest tone on the piece to its left. The darkest color in the center piece is the lightest tone on the piece to its right. Playing with these contextual relationships and translating my work through multiple media are ways in which I maintain a regenerative studio practice.“


Francisco Ormaza


Madeline Gallucci